The Team

Developing this exhibition was a collaboration between the maths students and academics at King's College London, King's Culture and the artist Zarah Hussain.

The Artist

Zarah Hussain

Zarah Hussain (b.1980) is a British artist. Her practice is a visual examination of how spirituality, technology, and art connect. Hussain integrates the pattern-making abilities of conventional mathematics with modern art across a variety of genres, including animation, sculpture, and painting. Hussain has established a creative language that reflects both the aesthetic traditions of traditional Islamic design and modern Western society. She combines mathematical art references such as geometric structures and tessellating patterns with inspiration from the work of 20th-century artists such as Victor Vasarely, Josef Albers, Mark Rothko, Agnes Martin, and Bridget Riley.

Hussain has exhibited across Europe, the USA and the MENASA region, including at the William Morris Gallery, London; the Barbican Center, London, the Sharjah Museum and the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts.

Her work is held in many national and international collections, she was awarded the Lumen Prize (People’s Choice) in 2017. Hussain earned her MA in Islamic Art from the Prince’s School. She lives and works in London.

The Students

Anhad Ahluwalia
Jiarong Gu
Michelle Ho
Shiqi Huang
India Jackman
Hyunjun (Harry) Kang
Rongfei Li
Im Chiew Ng
Nadia Potter
Kabilan Thesingarajah

The Academics

John Armstrong
Eleni-Alexandra Kontou
Dan Abramson
Natalie Evans
Caterina May
Peter Jossen
Matteo Tanzi
Natalaya Vaysfeld
Kalliopi Mylona
Aled Walker

The Culture Team

Laura L'Aimable
Jocelyn Cheek
Georgina Wright

Advisory Team

Donna Niccols
Matthew Howles (The Science Museum)

Professional Services

Petter Olson
Kathryn Boast